Saturday, June 27, 2009

Baking DAY~


DO NOT ignore his face..
look carefully..look like the duck in chicken little??YESH

so.. it's friday..
edmund ying n jia zheng n i ajak-ed to come to my place n bake egg tarts!!
so jia zheng fetched us from dmund's house.. waited for him to change..
n then to mahkota to have our lunch..猪肠粉=)
ying had chicken rice dapau-ed by her mom=)
so.. off to my place~~
jia zheng had to go back to school for don noe wat reason=0
so we waited for him to come back n start baking~
me (all still wearing uniform=D)

butter (first thing)

so..sifu starts teaching(edmund starts demanding)*XD
me :(covering breasts)*
edmund:(LAUGHS) i ask u got milk or not why u cover ur breast?
then jia zheng starts to bake his CORN-FLake cokkies
edmund kena teach two parts
haha..edmund so geng in baking =DD
then we started doing measurements..
mixing.. all those stuff =D
n we manage to get a batter of the pastry(for the skin of d egg tart=)

video taken during d process..=D

BEFORe(so excited)
but after a while......

AFTER(so tiring)XD
then its time to do the filling of the egg tart=)
we needed milk ..
then edmund..一直强调我没有奶=x
then we realized the filling was not enough for all the egg tarts..
so we had to do another time..
we realized..something's wrong with d filling..
it was not like tha first..
it was.. (oranger)XD
*edmund sniffs*
edmund:WAH so smelly ~
me:whats wrong?did u left out anything?
edmund:(looking at d recipe)no ar...
me:then why like that?*sniffs*
everyone panicked.
edmund:wei..u try n see..
me:ME??why me?u try lar..
edmund: u try.~~faster
(try one drop..)
me:nothing wrong ar.. but why d colour like that?why d smell like tat ?
edmund:(look here n there)CHEH~~!!!!also haven put in d milk!!
EVERYONE was relieved
then we need to filter d egg..after that combined with d filling..
then ying n edmund realized..
why d filling so little one?
me:har?wat problem again?
edmund:don noe..why d fillinf so little one?
ying:ya lor.. y d??(panicking)
edmund:CHEH~~haven combine with d filling also~~!!!
everyone : CHEH~~~~~~~~~

d filling..(need to burn to melt d sugar)


jia zheng finished baking his CORN-flakes cookies....

taking out from d oven



then it was time to fill our pastry with the fillings=)
then.. jia zhang came n play..
he spilt the fillings out of d pastry..hmph..

see d spilt fillings on d tray?

putting in d egg tarts~



cookies jia zheng baked(left out corn flour-weird tasteXD)
while waiting for our tarts to cook..
we all sat down on n dining table..
ying saw this guy called simon in edmund's hp
then d funny conversation starts
edmund:wohmun says simon is ur ex bf wor.. izzit?
ying:oOo(middle finger)he's so ug*y
edmund:but woh mun say d mar.. not i say d..
ying:no lar.. simon's gurlfren's ex ex is my ex.. not this one lar.. he's d most ug*iest person in d world lar
jiazheng:ug*ier than me or not?
edmund:still ok lar...
jia zheng:why he so ug*y one???
ying lets jiazheng c d picture of simon..
jia zheng:this not t*k wai d brother meh?@@
ying & me: we forgot ady~~!!HAHAHAHAHAH offense ppl XD
d toy car i got for buying milo cornflakes
Ps:*R.I.P Michael Jackson*

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