Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Recovery .

Why did i state that this is a recovery ?
Well if you read my last post, You will know that i'm recovering from the sad feelings i had .
And if you notice the period of my hilang-ness. haha
You'll know that I wasn't blogging a lot. okay i wasn't blogging at all.

And its also a recovery from my sick yang banyak banyak.
I went to the doctor for 5-6 times in 2 months. ish .
I'm still recovering now. wth.
But i'm fine.. and I also realized that our life, is really really fragile.
Within this period, I've heard about few cases of people passing away.
Life is really to short to waste.
So, I'm not gonna waste mine. :D

this is what i drew in Electronic publishing practical class.
Sir said to draw a recognizable character . or thing.
You all know whats that right?
Pikachiu! i got full marks for trying. :(
thats so happy. sir didn't know what it was. boohoo
and denise found this amazing coin! hahah
forgive my sampat-ness.
Its really cool

you see her? through the hole!! haha

a lil sneak peak of mua ~
and i was saying.. i won't waste my life.
So... haha shopping should be done!! everytime!! I bought 3 pairs of shoes in one day =.=
i was really. bad. :P

i likey!!! yes it is on my bed. :P
Its new okay..... XD

Pedicures are also a Must!
this kononnye limited edition rainbow version of Pocky costs me Rm18.90
Wuwu. T.T

Just wanna let you guys know.
I'm STILL HERE!!!! buahaha
Stay tuned la ~